Rate and Review

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Get my Tax Foreclosures Mini-Course for FREE

How to Get My Tax Foreclosures Mini-Course for FREE

Leave a Review of My Podcast and I’ll Gift you My Tax Foreclosure Minicourse for Free!

In the minicourse you will learn about the profit opportunities in tax foreclosures.

You’ll learn about the profits available and what’s involved with buying at the tax foreclosure auction, buying before the auction, and a special business I do called “Overages.”

These are all profitable businesses you can dive into full time or you can start as “side hustles” and build into businesses to replace full time job income.

I am offering 100 people this minicourse as an “ethical bribe” to help launch my new podcast.

In exchange for your honest review I will gift you my minicourse.

It’s simple: all you have to do is be 1 of the first 100 to

Step 1: Subscribe to the ‘Pathways to Prosperity Podcast’ on Apple Podcasts

Step 2: Leave an honest rating and review on Apple Podcast (for real, because if we can improve in any way, we’d LOVE to know!)

Step 3: Screenshot and share your review on FaceBook, Instagram or Twitter using ‘#PathwaysPodcast’

Listen NOW!

Step 1: Subscribe to ‘Pathways to Prosperity Podcast’ on Apple Podcasts

Step 2: Rate and Review on Apple Podcast

Step 3: Share Your Review


Leave an honest rating and review on Apple Podcast (View Instructions Above)


Screenshot and share your review on FaceBook, Instagram or Twitter using ‘#PathwaysPodcast’